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The Trust Model Policy Program© is now available to members. The Trust has been working with Trust attorneys to create the K–12 school district model policies that are rooted in state and federal law. In addition to the policies themselves, the Trust’s policy services include:

  1. an online platform to house the policies;
  2. assistance to districts in transitioning to the Trust’s model policies;
  3. annual or more frequent updates to policies based on legislative and case law changes;
  4. a comprehensive model policy review as requested; and
  5. policy education opportunities for K–12 school district governing boards and administration.

The participating district’s policies can be accessed via the links below*. To learn more about the overall program, please reach out to your member services coordinator. Click here for the Trust template policies.

*To translate the policies, access the Google Translate icon at the top, right-hand corner of each page. Policies can currently be translated into Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Urdu.

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